Take Your Backyard to a New Level with a DIY Plunge Pool Transforming your backyard to include your own pool doesn’t have to break the bank or require hiring a professional pool contractor. A DIY plunge pool is the perfect alternative to elevate your outdoor space,...
Top 10 Benefits of Building Your Own DIY Hot tub
Top 10 Benefits of Building Your Own DIY Hot Tub Building your own DIY hot tub can be a rewarding project, offering a unique opportunity to create a personal retreat tailored to your specific preferences. When you choose to embark on this journey with Custom Built...
Hot Tub Customers
Over the 18 plus years I've been in business teaching and helping customers build their own hot tubs and spa projects, I have accumulated quite a number of testimonials and comments from my hot tub customers along with pictures of projects these hot tub customers have...
Hot Tub Building Basics
You may have seen articles or video clips on YouTube about hot tub building. However, I can almost bet you that none of those articles/clips detail the important things you really need to know to have a successful DIY hot tub building project. I’ve reviewed dozens and...
Cocktail Pool
So, what’s the latest craze for the pool and spa industry that’s recently begun to emerge, it's the Cocktail Pool. Ok, I know you’re smiling or chuckling to yourself. Maybe you’re saying what are they going to come up with next. Nothing wrong with thinking like that...
Exercise Pools!
How would you like to relax and exercise at the same time? Kind of an oxymoron wouldn’t you say, you know, words that don’t agree. Well for the most part those words don’t agree. EXCEPT, if you are referring to doing water exercises in exercise pools or swimming...
Remember, my Mission is to help you, as my customer, build a beautiful hot tub of your own! I can show you how to build Spas, Hot Tubs, Swim Spas, Plunge Pools, Cocktail Pools or Exercise Pools at incredibly affordable prices! Everything you need to know is outlined in my series of easy-to-follow books and videos that cover a simple, step-by-step process that I’ve developed and refined over the years.
I will teach and help you with everything you need to know about building your own spa, hot tub, or swim spa yourself, regardless of what your DIY skill levels are and at a cost, YOU determine YOU can afford. As my customer, I’ll work with you at your own pace until your project is done and comes to life! For over 25 years now I’ve been helping people just like you, build their own hot tubs, spas, and swim spa projects. So, are you’re ready to let me help you build your project? Then what are you waiting for, let’s do this!