Several years ago, I was curious about the possibility of building my own hot tub. After a lengthy search online, I stumbled on Gene’s website. I ordered the video and book immediately. After reading through the material at least several times and watching the video several times, I finally pulled the trigger and emailed Gene. I haven’t regretted my decision for one second since.
Gene has been extraordinarily responsive to all my questions, concerns, and ideas. Not only did he supply all the parts I needed, but he quickly responded every time I ran into something I was unsure of. I consider myself moderately competent as a DIYer, but I’m convinced anyone can build a custom spa using Gene’s advice and methods. A few months after starting my project, I find myself sitting in my own custom-built hot tub in my backyard. On a 5-star scale, I would rate Gene and Custom Built Spas at least an eleven.
-John C. – Greeley CO