From Category: buying a hot tub
Best Hot tub

Best Hot tub

Whether you’re searching online or visiting a retail outlet store in your quest to find the Best Hot Tub, do you really know what you are actually looking for? How do you define the Best Hot tub? Well, it is somewhat subjective, however, I can provide you a list of...

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Hot Tub Facts – Straight Talk

Hot Tub Facts – Straight Talk

With so many buying options for hot tubs and spas, if you've never owned a hot tub before, there's a really good chance you're going to make a mistake on your first hot tub purchase. That mistake could very well lead you to being turned off about owning another hot...

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Buying a Hot Tub

Buying a Hot Tub

Some of you reading this article may have already purchased and read one of my do it yourself spa manuals but decided that the project is a little more than you feel comfortable tackling. I understand this and I thank you again for your purchase and at least...

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Hot Tub Performance

Hot Tub Performance

I can't think of anything more frustrating than just buying a new hot tub, getting it home, getting it all set up, jumping in, hitting the jets button, only to find the hot tub performance is not what you expected. This actually happens a lot more than you would...

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Remember, my Mission is to help you, as my customer, build a beautiful hot tub of your own! I can show you how to build Spas, Hot Tubs, Swim Spas, Plunge Pools, Cocktail Pools or Exercise Pools at incredibly affordable prices! Everything you need to know is outlined in my series of easy-to-follow books and videos that cover a simple, step-by-step process that I’ve developed and refined over the years.

I will teach and help you with everything you need to know about building your own spa, hot tub, or swim spa yourself, regardless of what your DIY skill levels are and at a cost, YOU determine YOU can afford. As my customer, I’ll work with you at your own pace until your project is done and comes to life! For over 25 years now I’ve been helping people just like you, build their own hot tubs, spas, and swim spa projects. So, are you’re ready to let me help you build your project? Then what are you waiting for, let’s do this!

Custom Built Spas