Custom Built Spas
Call Today: (860) 571-8440

Our Hot Tub History – Hitting the $1 Million Milestone

Oct 31, 2017 | Building or Buying a Hot Tub

Our Hot Tub History

In 1999, Gene Trumbull decided to help people everywhere achieve their dreams of hot tub ownership.

Since then, he and his company, Custom Built Spas, have focused on providing knowledge and encouragement to thousands of customers around the world eager to create their own hot tubs, spas, exercise pools, cocktail pools or plunge pools.

Over the years, Custom Built Spas has become a highly sought-after source to supply the most comprehensive and accurate information for these types of customized projects. Because of this, Gene’s advanced knowledge, attention to detail and commitment to strong customer service has been welcomed domestically and internationally.

This year, the Connecticut-based company has even more to celebrate! In September 2017, Custom Built Spas made hot tub history and hit a milestone of $1 million from online sales of hot tub building information and parts packages.

This accomplishment is especially exciting to Gene and the rest of the Custom Built Spas team, who have put in plenty of effort over the last 18 years in reaching out to customers at every skill level, background and profession.

It’s also impressive and shows why Gene got into the business in the first place.

Choosing DIY

The military veteran had been working for more than 20 years in the mechanical and trades fields. Then, he decided that he could help people more by providing accurate and easy-to-follow information on DIY projects, more specifically for building spas and hot tubs. He wanted people to be able to create projects of their own that they could be proud of.

He also discovered that so much of the information out there, including online videos or guidebooks, were rarely completely accurate. Important steps or parts were frequently left out or not described well. Essential safety information wasn’t accurately addressed either. All of which Gene found not only to be disappointing but downright dangerous to people trying to create a project for themselves or their families.

So he set out to make sure that all the information he provided online is thorough, complete, accurate and easy to understand. The goal being that the customer’s final product will be first-rate and mirror any professionally designed and installed spa or hot tub.

Gene also noticed that customer service in the industry wasn’t where he thought it should be, in terms of answering questions or assisting someone if they were stuck on a step.

To address this, he added a personal coaching service at no charge, which is available whether someone is starting from scratch and has no design background, or little Do It Yourself knowledge, or they may just need a few pointers.

Gene Trumbull makes hot tub history

As Gene puts it, “I become your personal spa building coach until your project is completed and it’s up and running.”

He has always made sure that the coaching service available through Custom Built Spas remains absolutely free, something that’s appreciated by plenty of satisfied customers. This is shown in extensive positive testimonials, many of which can be found on the company site.

Our Customers

Customers acquiring Custom Built Spas’ spa and hot tub building information over the years have come from all 50 U.S. states along with 28 other countries. Word has also spread rapidly in the industry about the company’s focus on quality and customer service, and today, a number of major hot tub builders and even a few trade publications have recognized Gene for the expert advice he provides.

Gene especially likes how some purchasers of basic information from Custom Built Spa are able to design their projects to create exactly what they want for their space, rather than following an identical template that’s same as everyone else uses. Some of his customers have even won design awards in the hot tub and spa industry for their creations, based on the knowledge and coaching assistance provided by Custom Built Spas.

He also likes that customers aren’t just satisfied with the quality of the instruction and the coaching process, but that they’ve been able to save so much money going the DIY route compared to hiring a contractor. The savings often top more than 80 percent of a contractor’s pricing. Even better, having a permanently installed hot tub, spa, swim spa or similar product can add equity value to your home.

So essentially, you and your family will have something relaxing and soothing to enjoy all year round, and it will be exactly the style and design what you wanted, and it can add value to your home.

So congratulations to Gene and Custom Built Spas for making hot tub history and hitting the million-dollar mark, and congratulations to all the satisfied customers who continue to enjoy their hot tubs and spas.

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Remember, my Mission is to help you, as my customer, build a beautiful hot tub of your own! I can show you how to build Spas, Hot Tubs, Swim Spas, Plunge Pools, Cocktail Pools or Exercise Pools at incredibly affordable prices! Everything you need to know is outlined in my series of easy-to-follow books and videos that cover a simple, step-by-step process that I’ve developed and refined over the years.

I will teach and help you with everything you need to know about building your own spa, hot tub, or swim spa yourself, regardless of what your DIY skill levels are and at a cost, YOU determine YOU can afford. As my customer, I’ll work with you at your own pace until your project is done and comes to life! For over 25 years now I’ve been helping people just like you, build their own hot tubs, spas, and swim spa projects. So, are you’re ready to let me help you build your project? Then what are you waiting for, let’s do this!

Custom Built Spas